Subject-verb agreement is an essential rule of grammar that every writer should understand and apply accurately. It refers to the concept of having a sentence`s subject and verb match in number. This means that a singular subject should have a singular verb, and a plural subject should have a plural verb.

However, despite being a relatively simple rule, subject-verb agreement errors are a common mistake in writing. One of the most frequent culprits is a sentence with an error in subject-verb agreement. This type of error occurs when the subject and verb do not agree in number, leading to incorrect grammar and confusing sentences.

For instance, consider the following sentence:

“The team of players are practicing their moves.”

In this sentence, the subject “team” is singular, whereas the verb “are practicing” is plural. The correct version should be:

“The team of players is practicing its moves.”

Since “team” is a singular noun, the verb “is practicing” should also be in the singular form. Moreover, the possessive pronoun “its” should be used instead of “their” since the team is treated as a single entity.

Another example of this error is:

“My friends and I is going to the beach.”

The subject “my friends and I” is plural, whereas the verb “is going” is singular. The correct sentence should be:

“My friends and I are going to the beach.”

In this corrected sentence, the plural subject “my friends and I” is now paired with the plural verb “are going.”

A sentence with an error in subject-verb agreement can make your writing seem unprofessional and difficult to understand. It`s essential to review your writing carefully and ensure that the subject and verb agree in number to avoid this error. By mastering subject-verb agreement, you can create clear, concise, and grammatically correct sentences that effectively convey your message.